June 8, 2012 in All, Detroit Diesel

Coup d’Etat

Whether the end of the world is as nigh as some prophets of doom predict or otherwise, there can be little doubt that we currently live in tempestuous times. Art has a tendency to reflect its environment—therefore in the aftermath of the “Occupy” protests, continued rioting across Europe, the ongoing “Arab Spring” and the sabre-rattling across the Straits of Hormuz, it should come perhaps as no surprise that Detroit Diesel have chosen “Coup d’Etat” as the title of their new album.

Within the space of just one year this Canadian harsh EBM duo’s debut album “Terre Humaine” already established them as one of the key threats to the current leaders of the dark electro scene. Instantly licensed by DWA to Infacted Recordings for Europe, “Terre Humaine” garnered rich praise from fans and press worldwide—and continues to outsell every other DWA title to this day.

In April, Detroit Diesel headed over to Europe for their first-ever tour—taking in Germany, France, Spain, Belgium, Russia, Greece and Resistanz Festival in the UK—and taking with them the new album “Coup d’Etat”. Now Vendetta Music is proud to present the North American Edition of “Coup d’Etat”, under exclusive license from DWA!

Mixing and mastering comes from Kolja Trelle of Soman, who brings a rich resonance to the bass end of these club-friendly cuts.

For the Vendetta version, we turned to 2 massive stars of the Metropolis Records roster—Aesthetic Perfection and God Module—plus German noise-masters Xotox, for remixes exclusive to this North American Edition.

Detroit Diesel have already taken Europe by storm—now “Coup d’Etat” hits North America! Are you ready for the revolution?

Track List:

  1. Crash And Burn

  2. Let’s Pretend

  3. Just Like Falling

  4. Dance Of The Dead (feat. Scott from iVardensphere)

  5. Black Flag

  6. Never Looking Back

  7. Speak No Evil

  8. Isolation

  9. Under Fire

  10. The Playground (feat. Dräcos from FGFC820)

  11. War Never Changes

  12. Crash And Burn (Aesthetic Perfection Remix)*

  13. Dance Of The Dead (Zombie Powder Remix by God Module)*

  14. Under Fire (Xotox Remix)*

* Exclusive Bonus Tracks

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