News and Updates Artists Tickets and Schedule Venues Denver Sponsors Press



PLEASE NOTE: The venue for Day Two is 21+. Day One and Three are 18+. Individual days can purchased also. Line-up and schedule are subject to change. All sales are final. Please email feel at if you have any questions.

Friday Sept. 25th (18+) :
7 S Broadway, Denver, CO 80209-1505

6:30 Cursed Chimera
7:15 Torso
8:00 The New Waveforms
8:45 Lexincrypt
9:45 Blackcell
10:45 Revolution State
11:45 Mono No Aware

Saturday Sept. 26th (21+):
1037 Broadway, Denver, CO 80203

6:15 Statik Sky
7:00 Cervello Elettronico
8:00 [Syndika:Zero]
9:00 C/A/T
10:00 W.A.S.T.E.
11:00 The Horrorist
12:15 Terrorfakt

Sunday Sept. 27th (18+):
1399 35th St, Denver, CO 80205

Heavens Lounge Stage
2:00 DJs
2:30 Sybel
3:30 Requiem In Black
4:30 Reaxion Guerrilla
5:30 Creepsville 666
6:30 Spiritual Bat
7:30 Novus UK

Tracks Stage
2:15 Lapsed
3:15 Blackcentr
4:15 Hardwire
5:15 Diverje
6:15 To Mega Therion
7:15 Mono-Amine
8:15 The Peoples Republic Of Europe
9:15 Enduser

Exdo Stage
4:00 Fiction 8
5:00 Dismantled
6:00 Munly & The Lupercalians
7:00 Rome
8:30 Imperative Reaction
10:00 Psyclon Nine
11:30 Hocico

Vendetta Music