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Dead Hand ProjektBlunt and in-your-face industrial with a unique sound.

Dead Hand Projekt performing live

Since 2003, Taury Goforth has been actively composing and constructing music as KiLLSWiTCH. This music was based in electronica, but focused in the "industrial" genre with strong hints towards destructive sounds of punk and metal.

In February of 2006, Taury started a project with keyboardist, Roger Jarvis, of Kevorkian Death Cycle named HexRx. In 2007, Taury's album, X, was released in mid-summer, becoming a huge hit with LA industrial crowds with popular songs "Dominate" and "Greed". Taury parted ways with HexRx in the Spring of 2008 to focus on a small group of tracks that he'd been working on while writing music for HexRx

Taury also, at this point, began work with guitarist Kyle McLaughlin. Their band, PunctureWound, breifly described here, is highly influenced by NiN, Ministry, and Hanzel Und Gretyl. You can check their music for this project out at their MySpace (http://www.myspace.com/pwound).

Jason Scamara (DJ Liquid Sex Drive) picked up the drum sticks to play shows with Taury in 2009 under the blackcentr banner (blackcentr being named after Taury's song on the HexRx album, X). Later, Taury Goforth decided to inevitably move on with his songs for this project and create Dead Hand Projekt in early 2010. Original line-up included Tim Miller of No Last Resort, Taury Goforth, and Jason Scamara whom at this point is a full member of the band. Tim Miller performed live one show with this band, before leaving DHP to focus on his sound engineer schooling and career in this field.

Dead Hand Projekt is blunt and in-your-face industrial with powerful words, aggressive vocals, and a unique sound all its own.

DHP electronic press kit: http://deadhandprojekt.com/epk/epk.html

For more music from Taury Goforth, check out these links:

For more info on DJ Liquid Sex Drive (Jason Scamara): http://www.myspace.com/liquidsexdrive

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